Part II: Transitioning from Whole Group to Small Group to Achieve Equity in Education The first blog in this series, “Time Efficiency vs. Equity in Education,” explored two major barriers teachers face when shifting from a whole group, teacher-led, teacher-paced approach to instruction to student-centered blended learning models. Time and control are powerful enforcers of […]
Part V: Thinking About Thinking Series This is part five of a five-part series focused on using thinking routines to drive metacognitive skill building. Click here to revisit my last blog in this series on using the “Claim-Evidence-Question” routine. To recap, metacognition is a cognitive ability that allows learners to consider their thought patterns, approaches to learning, […]


Part IV: Thinking About Thinking This is part four of a five-part series focused on using thinking routines to drive metacognitive skill building. Click here to revisit my last blog in this series on using the “I used to think…Now, I think…” routine. To recap, metacognition is a cognitive ability that allows learners to consider their thought […]
Part III: Thinking About Thinking Series This is part three of a five-part series focused on using thinking routines to drive metacognitive skill building. Click here to revisit my last blog in this series on using the “Connect, Extend, Challenge” routine. To recap, metacognition is a cognitive ability that allows learners to consider their thought patterns, approaches […]
Part II: Thinking About Thinking Series This is part two of a five-part series focused on using thinking routines to drive metacognitive skill building. Click here to revisit my first blog in this series on using the “I see, I think, I wonder” routine. To recap, metacognition is a cognitive ability that allows learners to consider […]
Part I: Thinking About Thinking Series This is part one of a five part series focused on using thinking routines to drive metacognitive skill building. Metacognition, often referred to as “thinking about thinking,” is a cognitive skill that empowers learners to reflect on their thought processes, learning strategies, and understanding of a concept or subject. […]
How can pulling feedback into the classroom help students develop confidence and improve their self-regulation skills? Feedback is one of the most powerful tools a teacher has to support students in achieving standards-aligned goals. Feedback also Despite the myriad benefits of focused, timely, and actionable feedback on learning, it is often neglected due to time […]


As the landscape of education continues to evolve in response to global disruptions and digital advancements, blended learning models have surged in popularity. Among these is the flipped classroom model, a strategy that leverages video instruction to mitigate potential obstacles that make it challenging for students to access information presented live. However, I often hear […]
Consider the last time you used a recipe to bake something, for example, a chocolate cake. Maybe it was a special occasion like a birthday, and you wanted to surprise someone with a homemade chocolate cake. The recipe details the ingredients you need, the sequence you should mix them in, and the exact temperature and […]


Identifying the Needs of English Learners English learners (ELs) have unique needs requiring targeted instructional approaches to support their language acquisition and academic success. Equality vs. Equity: Are We Meeting ELs’ Needs? First, we must be clear about the difference between equality and equity. Equality is when everyone gets the same experience and resources. Equity […]


In my Art of Blended Learning Online Course this week, we continued our work on the playlist model. I began our synchronous session by addressing frequently asked questions about this model. In this post, I will share answers to some of those questions. Q1: How Long Should Students Work on a Playlist? The length of […]
Blended learning environments offer a unique opportunity for teachers to shift the control of the learning experience from teacher to learner by combining active, engaged learning online and offline. However, teachers must leverage technology effectively and use data strategically to differentiate and personalize learning to ensure that all students progress towards firm standards-aligned goals. In […]