
This is the final blog in this social-emotional learning (SEL) series designed to create clarity about the five SEL core competencies identified in the CASEL Framework and how to develop these skills in your classroom. I believe SEL skills should be integrated into our curriculum and class culture, not treated as an add-on or separate […]


The previous posts in this social-emotional learning series focused on self-awareness, self-management, and responsible decision-making. These skills fall under the umbrella of intrapersonal skills. Intrapersonal skills are cultivated inside a person. We’ve explored strategies designed to help students: Manage their emotions. Practice stress management strategies. Set academic, personal, and behavioral goals. Evaluate the urgency versus the importance of tasks […]
In my last two posts on self-awareness and self-management, I explored strategies for helping students identify, understand, and regulate their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. The next social-emotional skill is responsible decision-making. This competency requires students to take their heightened self-awareness and ability to manage themselves and make responsible choices about how they respond to different […]


In my last blog post, I said self-awareness is a foundational social-emotional learning skill. If students are unable to identify their emotions, thoughts, and values and recognize how they influence their behaviors, it will be challenging for them to develop the other SEL core competencies. As students understand themselves on a deeper level, they’re more […]


In my previous blog post titled “Social-Emotional Learning Series: Cultivating Skills All Students Need to Thrive,” I identified classroom management, lack of engagement, and general student apathy as challenges that plagued the 2021-2022 school year. Teachers have an opportunity to approach this new school year differently by dedicating class time to cultivating social-emotional learning skills […]


The focus on learning loss and getting kids “caught up” after two years of online, concurrent, and hybrid learning distracted educators from the critical work of developing the skills students needed to be part of a thriving learning community. The result was a frustrating school year mired in discipline issues and unproductive behaviors.  Almost every […]
What barriers make designing for deeper learning in schools challenging? In today’s rapidly changing educational landscape, educators face numerous challenges when designing instruction that promotes deeper learning for all students. Recently, I had the privilege of meeting with a group of international educators in Dubai grappling with these challenges. Through our online series, we explored […]
I get this question all the time in coaching and training sessions! First, let’s be clear about the definition of blended learning. Blended learning is the combination of active, engaged learning online with active, engaged learning offline to provide students with more control over the time, place, pace, and path of their learning. Tucker, C. […]


By Noelle Gutierrez I recently collaborated with teachers on station rotation lessons, and a few asked how I have incorporated social-emotional learning into the stations I’ve developed.  Teachers can include various SEL activities in their stations that focus on the CASEL Framework‘s five competencies, and Catlin provides several strategies for each of the five competencies […]
When Dr. Novak and I started writing our new book, Shift Writing into the Classroom, we anticipated that teachers outside of English Language Arts would take one look at the title and assume that the book was not intended for them. Yet, we both passionately believe in the power of writing across the curriculum and […]
While listening to Shankar Vedantam’s podcast Hidden Brain episode titled “Do Less,” I kept thinking YES! We need to do less in education! We need to stop adding to teachers’ already full plates and start thinking about how subtracting or taking things away might improve our teachers’ and students’ lives. Vedantam talks with Dr. Leidy […]
Last month, I delivered a keynote on the future of education. It’s a vast topic, so I focused on four trends likely to impact our work as educators. As school leaders prepare for the 2022-2023 school year, these four trends can help them identify district priorities and create a strategic plan for the year ahead. […]