Personalize Your Learning Journey
These asynchronous online courses help you shift from teacher-led instruction to student-centered learning. Move beyond the front of the room to connect with and support students more effectively. Learn to design inclusive, equitable learning experiences that engage students in meaningful, active learning—all at your own time, place, and pace

Online Course Catalog
Education Reimagined: Shifting Mindsets & Skill Sets
It’s time to cultivate a more modern and flexible approach to this work! In this course, we’ll explore the mindset and skill set shifts needed to transition to student-led learning. The course is composed of videos, reflect (for individuals) or discuss (for teams), and application activities designed to get participants to apply their learning, as well as curated resources related to the modules.
Workflow Shift #1: From Teacher-led Information Transfer to Student-led Discovery
Break free from the cycle of lectures and whole-class mini-lessons that keep you at the front of the room. This course helps you shift from passive content delivery to active student discovery, giving students ownership of their learning while freeing you to work with individuals and small groups to meet their specific needs.
The Station Rotation Model
Explore how the Station Rotation Model can help you create more opportunities to work directly with small groups of students, individualize scaffolding and support, differentiate instruction, move feedback into the classroom, and allow students to control the pace of their learning.
5E’s Instructional Model
The 5Es instructional model is flexible enough to engage students in meaningful inquiry in the classroom, online, or a blend of the two. It can be used across grade levels and subject areas! This course will present strategies for engaging students at each stage of the inquiry cycle online and offline, so you can decide what will work best for you and your learners.
The Flipped Classroom Model
Teachers can create more time and space for the human side of teaching by transferring the information they would present the same way to everyone online using video. Then they can spend their precious class time facilitating learning!
Hybrid Blended Learning Coaching Course
This course offers instructional coaches, administrators, TOSAs, and teacher leaders a blended learning coaching framework to guide your work, video instruction on coaching strategies and blended learning models, strategies, templates, and resources to support implementation as well as personalized feedback from me on your model lessons.
Getting Started with Blended & Online Learning
This course guides teachers through the process of designing and facilitating dynamic, student-centered blended and online learning experiences. Teachers will learn how to design standards-aligned units, create effective video content, engage learners in online discussions, and build a dynamic learning community.
Advancing with Blended & Online Learning
This advanced blended and online learning course provides teachers with a deep dive into planning and facilitating learning for a variety of teaching and learning landscapes. Each module is composed of video lessons, resources, templates, and action items designed to encourage teachers to take what they are learning and create resources and lessons they can use with students immediately.
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