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Why Would a Teacher Use the Flipped Classroom Model? First, let’s establish the value of the flipped classroom in case you have never used this blended learning model. The flipped classroom was designed to invert the traditional approach […]
How can pulling feedback into the classroom help students develop confidence and improve their self-regulation skills? Feedback is one of the most powerful tools a teacher has to support students in achieving standards-aligned goals. Feedback also Despite the […]
Last week, I began a training session on universally designing blended learning by asking teachers to reflect on and discuss the following question. “What is your biggest pet peeve about staff meetings?” This question led to a vibrant […]
Shift the Transfer of Information Online with Video In my post titled, “Could Doing Less in Education Give Everyone More?” I identified teacher talk as the biggest barrier to human connection in the classroom. The more time teachers […]
Teachers have three primary roles – designer, instructor, and facilitator. When I facilitate blended learning workshops, I ask participants to think about these three roles and identify the role they spend the most time and energy in. The […]
After reading Catlin Tucker’s blog post, 5 Strategies to Engage Learners Around Flipped Instruction, I was inspired to reflect on and revise a mini-unit I designed focusing on the short film Alike by Daniel Martinez Lara and Rafa […]
Teachers got a crash course in creating video content when schools shifted online. They relied on videos out of necessity to explain concepts and model strategies while students learned from home. As teachers transitioned back into classrooms, many […]
As educators, we must strive to place students at the center of the learning experience, encourage them to learn through a lens of interest, and enjoy opportunities to pursue their passions. However, inviting students to choose their learning […]
Time management is a constant struggle for teachers since they spend most of their days working directly with students. That leaves a small window of time for all of the other tasks and responsibilities that teachers have to […]
June 3, 2021 was the official launch of my newest book UDL and Blended Learning: Thriving in Flexible Learning Landscapes, and I had the pleasure of collaborating with Dr. Katie Novak on this project. We combined our expertise […]
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is a question everyone has been asked at one point in their lives. When I ask my students this question, most stare at me with a blank expression […]