When I lead blended learning workshops or work as a 1:1 blended learning coach, I field a lot of questions about the design of station rotation lessons. Teachers see my examples which show four separate groups and assume that all station rotations must have four groups. That is not the case. The Station Rotation Model is flexible. Below are some of the most common comments I hear and my responses to teachers struggling to conceptualize how to use this model with their students.
#1 “I can’t use the Station Rotation Model because my classes are only 45 minutes long.”
Teachers with shorter class periods mistakenly think they cannot make a station rotation work. However, there are several strategies they can use to create an effective rotation in a traditional school schedule. First, teachers can design a station rotation lesson that extends over multiple days. For example, I worked with a school in Southern California that dedicated Mondays to whole group instruction then Tuesday through Friday were rotations. It was a four day four station rotation, so students hit one station on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
For teachers who do not want to have a station rotation extend over multiple days, I encourage them to try the “flip-flop.” The “flip-flop” is essentially two stations, so the class is divided in half. The teacher works with one side of the room, and the other side of the room is engaged in a collaborative small group activity or individual practice online. Then the groups switch halfway through the period.
#2 “My classes are too large to use the Station Rotation Model. I would have to design at least six stations to make it work.”
I encourage teachers with large class sizes to consider a formation with “mirror stations.” Instead of designing six different stations, they can design three stations, divide the room in half, and have each side of the room rotate through mirror stations. This design decreases the front-loading required to plan the lesson, and reduces the number of students at each station. If the teacher wants to lead a station, then that station will be larger because two groups of students will converge on that station for each rotation. However, teachers who want to provide some direct instruction or model a process can do so in this formation.
Mirror Stations
Note: In the image above, I have purposefully laid out the stations so the teacher is facing the back of the independent practice stations. This way the screens are visible to the teacher, which makes it easier to monitor online work.
#3 “If I’m leading a station, I cannot conference with individual students.”
The teacher-led station provides valuable opportunities for small group instruction and coaching, but there are days when I want to do side-by-side assessments or work with individual students who are struggling. In those cases, I design a station rotation lesson where I do not lead a station. Often, I will ask students who are particularly strong in a specific area or who are ahead of the group in terms of skill level to design and lead stations. (Check out my blog on student-designed stations.) Then I sit at a small two-person table and pull individual students for one-on-one work.
One-on-one Conferencing
These are just a few of the concerns I hear when I work with secondary teachers on the Station Rotation Model. I hope these suggestions will help coaches and teachers get creative with group formations. There is no one correct method for planning and executing a station rotation lesson. It’s important for teachers to make this blended learning model work for them and their students!
16 Responses
Thank you for this post! I took a break from stations because I was overwhelmed, but I dipped my toes back in the “station” water earlier this year. I like how you break down the various ways to group the students AND suggest having screens facing you while students are utilizing on-line components. With stations, do you have any suggestions for students who ask questions of you while you are leading a station?
Hi Jill,
Students know they are not allowed to interrupt my work at the teacher-led station. My mantra when dealing with questions, in general, is “figure it out.” More often than not they can answer their own questions or receive guidance from a peer to work through any hiccups or challenges they face. I encourage them to use tech to solve problems –> 21st Century Version of Ask 3 Before Me.
I also have students post questions to a TodaysMeet during a rotation so I can quickly check that during breaks at my teacher-led station or during transitions to catch any real questions that surface as I do small group instruction. Sometimes students will send me a text using Remind if they have a question and I’ll respond during a transition.
Hi Catlin,
Is that the right link above for 21st century ask three before me? It goes to observation notes.
Sorry, Joanna.
I’ve updated the link.
Do you have an alternative to Today’s Meet? It seems to have been shut down.
Hi Katherine,
There are some alternatives, but I’ve found I use the Google Classroom stream and/or Mentimeter (free response) to do what TodaysMeet used to do.
[…] Station Rotation Model: Alternative Group Formations | […]
Thanks for sharing your creative ideas. You’ve got me thinking a lot about how to improve my teaching. Do you ever have teachers tell you the classroom itself is too small to do station rotations? I have 36 students, 48 minute classes, and barely enough room to fit all the desks in the room. Do you address class layout in any of your books?
Hi Tracy,
No, I don’t cover layouts in any of my books, but maybe I’ll tackle that in a blog post. Every room (layout, number of students, and furniture) is so different, it’s hard to generalize an ideal set up. That said, I think there are some layouts that work well and can be adjusted to fit different spaces. I’ll try to work on that in the next few weeks!
I’ve already considered doing the station rotation model. The format would be one “overarching” idea for a 3 day period, with a tech based, project based, and “other” (still working on that). My concern would be to get in the information required to meet the curriculum? Not sure if this is going to work or not.
Ideas? Suggestions? Have others done this?
Hi Catlin,
I do stations with my classes and love the format. But this year I have a very difficult class– as far as behavior goes. No matter where I place students, there is always trouble… so I have struggled with stations. Have you encountered this? How do you do stations with a class with major behavioral issues?
Hi Shelby,
If classroom management is an issue before using the station rotation model, it will definitely make facilitating this type of lesson more challenging. There are a couple of strategies that could work if you are really struggling with this class. If it is a large number of students who are off task, you can plan the lesson as a series of self-paced “stations” with one being your teacher-led station. Instead of having students sit in groups and physically rotate, you can have them stay in their normal seating configuration and ask them progress through the parts of the lesson at their desks and only physically rotate when it is time to sit with you at your teacher-led station. The downside is that they don’t get to collaborate and work together (or if they do, maybe just in pre-assigned pairs) but you would still get to meet with small groups for differentiated instruction, discussions, feedback, etc.
If it is only a handful of students who are off-task, I’d isolate them at their own desks facing the wall and have them self-pace through the activities on their own. I occasionally have had to remove a student who is having an off day and they work at their own desk to complete the parts of the lesson. Typically, losing that social interaction for the day or two is enough of an incentive to get them back on track by the next lesson because they enjoy working with their peers.
Good luck!
[…] great with literacy, reading, and mathematical concepts. Middle and high school teachers should try using stations […]
Station rotation gives students an alternative to the learning environment. It would take practice and positive behavior reward system to make the program function correctly.
Station rotation is something that I do not use frequently, but reading about the various ways to set it up has been very helpful.
Thank you for the visuals and models. I often found myself using the same station set up in classroom. After a while it became mundane for me and the students. Every time they would enter the room and see the room set up in the same station design even though the instruction and activites were different, they would groan. It is nice to have a variety of designs to keep them excited about moving about and learning in a variety of ways