Different books appeal to different readers. Many students do not become readers until they encounter “the book.” It’s the book that grabs them and pulls them into the story. Once a person has had an immersive experience with a book, they usually become readers. Unfortunately, most secondary curriculum relies on a one-size-fits-all approach to reading. […]
One of the biggest challenges many teachers face when shifting from traditional teacher-led instruction to blended learning models is the release of control from the teacher to the student. Ideally, blended learning models are designed to give students more control over the time, place, pace, and path of their learning. As a result, students enjoy […]
The more I learn about situated learning theory, developed by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, the more I find myself reflecting on the sharp contrast between authentic learning and the design of traditional schools and curriculum. In an attempt to teach students information and skills, society has created an artificial system, school, in which the information and […]
I had the pleasure of chatting with Benjamin Kalb and Becky Peters about blended learning, and our conversation is available on the Vrain Waves Podcast. During our interview, we talked about the changing role of the teacher and learner in a blended classroom, designing a station rotation lesson that encourages collaboration, using technology to give students […]